Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Resources Available at the Library of UPRH

     The University of Puerto Rico at Humacao library has acquired during the past years books and other resources the use of students and faculty.  Here is the list of those books related to literature

Literature and Related Books
Title and Author

Frye, N. (2000). Anatomy of criticism: four essays. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Kiefer, B. Z., Hepler, S. I. & Hickman, J. (2007). Charlotte Huck's children's literature (9th ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill.

Abrams, M.H. (2005). A glossary of literary terms (8th ed.) Boston: Thomson, Wadsworth.

The Norton anthology of English literature. The major authors. (2006). (8th. ed.). New York: Norton.

Booth, A., Hunter, J. P. & Mays, K. J. (Eds.). (2006). The Norton introduction to literature (Shorter 9th. ed.). New York: W.W. Norton.

Schachter, N. (2005). Basic English review: English the easy way (8th. ed.). Cincinnati, OH: South-Western Publishing.

Murphy, R. (2008). Basic grammar in use with answers: Self-study reference and practice for students of English (2nd. ed.). New York: Cambridge University Press.

Robinson, W. S., Tucker, S. (2009).Texts and contexts: a contemporary approach to college writing (7th. ed.). Boston, MA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Bushman, J. (2006). Using young adult literature in the English classroom (4th. ed.). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall.

Spack, R. (2005). The international story: An anthology with guidelines for reading and writing about fiction. New York: St. Martin's Press.

Eagleton, T. (2003). Literary theory: An introduction. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.

Nadell, J., Langan, J. & Comodromos, E. A. (2008). The Longman reader (Brief 8th ed.). New York: Pearson Longman.

Baym, N. (ed.). (2007). The Norton anthology of American literature (7th. ed.). New York: W.W. Norton.

Jones, L. (2008). Let's talk 2 (2nd. ed.). Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press.

Delbanco, N., Cheuse, A. (2010). Literature: craft and voice. New York: McGraw-Hill

Palés, L. (2010). Tom-toms of kinky hair and all things black. San Juan, P.R.: La Editorial, Universidad de Puerto Rico

Davis, M. (2006). The Grand hotel. Uhrichsville, OH: Heartsong Presents.

Austen, J. (2001). Persuasion. New York: The Modern Library.

Butler, L. (2003). Password 1: A reading and vocabulary text. New York: Longman.

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