Friday, April 12, 2013

Storytelling Activity Centro de Cuidado Diurno UPRH

 On Tuesday, April 9, 2013 students Eliane Soto and Jailene Rodriguez of Children's Literature participated of a storytelling activity in the Centro de Cuidado Diurno of the University of Puerto Rico Humacao.  
      Elaine and Jailene presented the story "Everywhere Coquis!"by Nancy Hooper.  Jailene presented first the key vocabulary and then Elaine narrated the story to the children.  The closing activity was the song "Coqui"which was greatly enjoyed by the children.
    Prof. Carmen Milagros Torres wants to thank Elaine and Jailene for sharing this story to the children of CCD of UPRH. She also is grateful  for the collaboration and support given by Prof. Carmen Luna, director of CCC as well as to Prof. Raquel and Prof. Carmen.  Thank you for opening the doors to your school so students of Children's Literature could enjoy the experience of storytelling.


  1. I had a lot of fun telling the story of the coqui's to the children of the UPRH CCC. I'm a grandmother and it was as if I was sharing my love of reading with my granddaughters. It was a wonderful experience and I loved the look of awe in their eyes!

  2. I am very proud of your collaboration. Children loved the story you both told! Thank you for sharing the love for reading :)
